- Contrary to what we might expect, China has a far higher proportion of women in senior executive roles than Western nations. Why is this?
- What do Chinese women do differently in their career strategies?
- What are the success mechanisms of Chinese women in management?
Find out what lessons you can adapt from their example to help you build your own career.
Brief Summary – How Chinese Women Rise
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About – Women’s Career Lab
The Women’s Career Lab is a unique research project. It was started in Shanghai because China has one of the highest proportions of women in top management worldwide. The initial research was carried out in China from 2014 to 2017, and Chinese women in senior executive positions at multinational companies participated. The aim of the study was to achieve a deeper understanding of the career motivations, experiences and influences of the female Chinese executives. The Women’s Career Lab also analysed their career paths and patterns, resulting in a typology of women’s careers with five different career types.
Examples of topics that were analysed in the Women’s Career Lab:
- The image of women in top management positions in China
- Gender equality and the glass ceiling phenomenon in China
- The influence of family and motherhood on women’s careers in China
- Mentoring and networking of female managers in China
- Chinese women’s Confucian management practices
- Competencies and personality traits of Chinese women in senior management
- Chinese women’s leadership style
Interested in taking part in the Women’s Career Lab?
Dr Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski would like to invite more women in top management positions from all over the world to participate in the Women’s Career Lab and share their experiences with other women in order to support them in their careers.
If you hold a senior management position and are willing to share your experiences for research purposes in an interview lasting 2.5 hours, please contact Dr Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski at:

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What We Can Learn From Chinese Women With Successful Careers In Top Management
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